Your outer world is a reflection
of your inner world.

If you want to change your life,
start with the inner workings of yourself.

YOU are the powerful
co-creator of your reality.

Your outer world
is a reflection of
your inner world.

If you want to change
your life, start with the
inner workings
of yourself.

YOU are the powerful
co-creator of
your reality.

" There is an Indian proverb that says that everyone is a house with four rooms, a physical, a mental, an emotional, and a spiritual. Most of us tend to live in one room most of the time but, unless we go into every room every day, even if only to keep it aired, we are not a complete person. "

- Rumer Godden -

"There is an Indian proverb that says that everyone is a house with four rooms, a physical, a mental, an emotional, and a spiritual. Most of us tend to live in one room most of the time but, unless we go into every room every day, even if only to keep it aired, we are not a complete person."

- Rumer Godden -

My Story

A little about me

Let's embark on a new journey...

Hello beautiful Soul, my name is Katrina, which can be traced back in history to mean, “pure”. It also comes from the Greek word, “Catharsis”, meaning to purify, purge, cleanse to bring about release, relief, renewal. If there is one gift that we can give ourselves when experiencing chaos or conflict in our lives, it is a nice catharsis.

But before an incredible life altering shift, my life felt nothing close to pristine, refined, or clear. It was honestly a dusty, dingy mess. And I wasn’t even aware of it. I was stuck in a miserable marriage, my self-worth was akin to dirt, and I constantly felt like I was the victim, and that life just “kept happening to me.” After experiencing one of the most difficult moments in my life in 2012, I became isolated and fell into a dark place filled with grief and overwhelming fear. I reached my lowest point, which ironically, I’m so incredibly thankful for today. My Soul was urging me to seek a change, and I’m forever grateful that I listened. Through the death of everything that I knew, and everything I learned to live with, my Spirit finally was given the chance to be reborn.

Whether you’re in a dark place, you’ve risen out of the ashes and want to go to the next step, or you’re unsure where to even begin – I promise, you’re here for a reason.

Through my transformation and practical experience, I want to illuminate the four rooms of your own Soul: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

Until you’re aware of those four key “rooms” of your Being, you may not be unlocking your true potential, worth or purpose.

My Story

A little about me

Let's embark on a new journey...

Hello beautiful Soul, my name is Katrina, which can be traced back in history to mean, “pure”. It also comes from the Greek word, “Catharsis”, meaning to purify, purge, cleanse to bring about release, relief, renewal. If there is one gift that we can give ourselves when experiencing chaos or conflict in our lives, it is a nice catharsis.

But before an incredible life altering shift, my life felt nothing close to pristine, refined, or clear. It was honestly a dusty, dingy mess. And I wasn’t even aware of it. I was stuck in a miserable marriage, my self-worth was akin to dirt, and I constantly felt like I was the victim, and that life just “kept happening to me.” After experiencing one of the most difficult moments in my life in 2012, I became isolated and fell into a dark place filled with grief and overwhelming fear. I reached my lowest point, which ironically, I’m so incredibly thankful for today. My Soul was urging me to seek a change, and I’m forever grateful that I listened. Through the death of everything that I knew, and everything I learned to live with, my Spirit finally was given the chance to be reborn.

Whether you’re in a dark place, you’ve risen out of the ashes and want to go to the next step, or you’re unsure where to even begin – I promise, you’re here for a reason.

Your heritage, current beliefs and religious background could all be considered cherished traditions, or they could be holding you back from reaching a new level you’ve never dreamed was possible.

Through my transformation and practical experience, I want to illuminate the four rooms of your own Soul: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

Until you’re aware of those four key “rooms” of your Being, you may not be unlocking your true potential, worth or purpose.

My Story

Homepage Photo

Meet Katrina

A Little about me

Let's embark on a new journey...

Hello beautiful Soul, my name is Katrina, which can be traced back in history to mean, “pure”. It also comes from the Greek word, “Catharsis”, meaning to purify, purge, cleanse to bring about release, relief, renewal. If there is one gift that we can give ourselves when experiencing chaos or conflict in our lives, it is a nice catharsis.

But before an incredible life altering shift, my life felt nothing close to pristine, refined, or clear. It was honestly a dusty, dingy mess. And I wasn’t even aware of it. I was stuck in a miserable marriage, my self-worth was akin to dirt, and I constantly felt like I was the victim, and that life just “kept happening to me.” After experiencing one of the most difficult moments in my life in 2012, I became isolated and fell into a dark place filled with grief and overwhelming fear. I reached my lowest point, which ironically, I’m so incredibly thankful for today. My Soul was urging me to seek a change, and I’m forever grateful that I listened. Through the death of everything that I knew, and everything I learned to live with, my Spirit finally was given the chance to be reborn.

Whether you’re in a dark place, you’ve risen out of the ashes and want to go to the next step, or you’re unsure where to even begin – I promise, you’re here for a reason.

Your heritage, current beliefs and religious background could all be considered cherished traditions, or they could be holding you back from reaching a new level you’ve never dreamed was possible.

Through my transformation and practical experience, I want to illuminate the four rooms of your own Soul: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

Until you’re aware of those four key “rooms” of your Being, you may not be unlocking your true potential, worth or purpose.

Soulful Links

Explore my YouTube channel, where I create and share videos on spiritual growth and mindful living.

Visit my Instagram and Linktree pages, where my partner-in-wellness, Arthnie, and I share our favorite wellness products and inspiring content to support mindful living.

Each link is here to guide your journey of healing, growth, and transformation.






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Favorite Products


Soulful Links

Explore my YouTube channel, where I create and share videos on spiritual growth and mindful living.

Visit my Instagram and Linktree pages, where my lifestyle pal Arthnie and I share our favorite wellness products and inspiring content to support mindful living.

Each link is designed to guide your journey of healing, growth, and transformation!






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Favorite Products


Soulful Links

Explore my YouTube channel, where I create and share videos on spiritual growth and mindful living.

Visit my Instagram and Linktree pages, where my lifestyle pal Arthnie and I share our favorite wellness products and inspiring content to support mindful living.

Each link is designed to guide your journey of healing, growth, and transformation!








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